Help and Healing
Christian Science practitioners are experienced spiritual healers. They are available to pray for you to heal problems of all kinds — physical, financial, relational, and spiritual.
Find a practitioner
- Click here for an online listing of practitioners worldwide
- Listing in any copy of The Christian Science Journal (available in any Christian Science Reading Room)
- Assistance from a Christian Science Reading Room attendant
Christian Science nurses are available to provide practical assistance and skilled care for those relying on prayer from a Christian Science practitioner for healing. Services include assistance with all activities for daily living — cleanliness, comfort, dressing, meals, mobility, rest, spiritual study as well as cleansing and bandaging areas needing cleanliness, protection, or support.
Local Atlanta Christian Science Nursing Facility: Morning Light Foundation or call them at 770-794-0247.
Morning Light services:
- Visiting Christian Science nurse
- Patient care at Morning Light Lodge
- Note: Patients must be working with a Christian Science practitioner
PRINCIPLE FOUNDATION :: Grants, resources, disaster relief, volunteers
- General Fund Grants available for Christian Scientists
- Temporary help with mortgage and rent, utilities, emergency home and car repairs
- Christian Science practitioner bills and other immediate needs
- National Fund for Christian Science Nursing (
- resources for senior Christian Scientists
Christian Science Textbook
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures
by Mary Baker Eddy
The Bible and the Christian Science textbook comprise our Dual Pastor.
The author of Science and Health, Mary Baker Eddy, devoted more than four decades to communicating a message of hope, healing, comfort, and spiritual strength to the world.
Since its first publication in 1875, Science and Health has transformed the lives of millions who have ventured into its pages embarking on a spiritual journey. It continues to transform lives one at a time.
(Excerpt from 1994 printing. Cover message.)

Where to purchase a copy of Science and Health
Find your local Christian Science Reading Room or purchase one online using the buttons below.
Effective Prayer
At the most basic level, prayer is communing with God. Prayer doesn’t have to be hard or complicated, it’s an individual unfolding for each of us.
In the Christian Science textbook by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer of Christian Science, Mrs. Eddy describes prayer as follows:
The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God, — a spiritual understanding of Him, an unselfed love.
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, p. 1:1–4
So as we learn in Christian Science, praying has to do with faith, understanding, and love. It is a combination of all three that allows us to pray in a way that brings recognition of God’s care into our lives meeting the present need — whatever that may be — including physical healing.
In his ministry, Christ Jesus gave the key to praying effectively. As he explained to his disciples,
And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
This truth that Jesus was referring to is our unbroken relationship to God as described in the first chapter of Genesis where it states two foundational ideas of Christian Science:
- “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” (Genesis 1:27)
- “And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)
We find then that knowing the ‘truth that makes us free’ is knowing ourselves as God knows us and created us — very good — which makes us free from anything unlike God, good. Because we are created in the image and likeness (reflection) of God, who is infinite Spirit, then the clearer our understanding of God, the more we know ourselves and others as God’s image and reflection.
- Study the following definitions in the Glossary of Science and Health on p 579: God; Good; Creator; Christ; Jesus; Man; Spirit.
- Read the chapter on Prayer in the beginning of Science and Health.
- Visit a Reading Room. There is an attendant on duty, lots of study resources, and a quiet place to gather your thoughts.
- Read or listen online to testimonies where individuals describe how they pray.
- Attend a Wednesday evening church service to hear firsthand testimonies.
Testimonies of Healing
- Christian Science Journal, Sentinel, Herald
- Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. See Chapter on Fruitage. (Christian Science Textbook by Mary Baker Eddy)
- Reading Room library: Archive of healings dating from the late 1800’s. Print and online.

- Wednesday testimony service at your local Christian Science Church or The Mother Church at
- Listen to the Christian Science Sentinel Radio.
- See public talks and lectures on Christian Science. Belinda – let’s discuss this one – a widget for online lectures in English might be helpful here.
What is a Christian Science Reading Room?
Each Christian Science church maintains a Reading Room. Find out about the location and hours of the Christian Science Reading Rooms in your area by clicking on the church tile above which is closest to you.
Reading Rooms are a place for you to use, not for us to convert you.
Christian Scientists around the world have found these teachings invaluable. There is nothing secret in them. We offer full access to our teachings in the hope that you will find something here to enrich your own spiritual life.
Our Reading Rooms are open to the public and are similar to a bookstore and also provides a separate library-like room for prayerful study and research. A Reading Room attendant is available to answer questions and provide assistance as needed.

- A Reading Room is a quiet sanctuary for prayer and communion with God away from the busyness of daily life.
- There is always an attendant present who can answer questions about Christian Science and its healing ministry and help the visitor find articles, audio podcasts, books, or pamphlets of interest.
- It is a bookstore with a variety of Biblical study materials including the Bible, Bible translations, Bible dictionaries, and atlases of the Holy Lands.
- There are copies of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science available to purchase, borrow, or read while visiting the Reading Room. In addition to the textbook, there are biographies of Mrs. Eddy and books with historical background on Christian Science over the past 150 years available to purchase, borrow, or read there.
- Current Christian Science periodicals are available for purchase. They include the weekly Christian Science Sentinel, the monthly Christian Science Journal, the Quarterly, the Full Text edition of the monthly Bible Lesson-Sermon, and the Christian Science Monitor newspaper.
- Many articles and other materials are available for sale in an audio format.
- Periodicals from the late 1800’s through today are available to read on-site. Articles are also available for print through the digital program JSH-Online. Many of the articles there require a subscription to access, but the Reading Room attendant can help you access one for no charge and can help you find articles on just about any topic.
- Reading Rooms may have a lending library from which the visitor may borrow a book or publication to read at home and return later.